The mind cannot know what’s correct or not

“And everything about the beauty of the mind is that the mind is simply about measurement. It isn’t about decision. This is what makes mind so extraordinary as a potential for outer authority.

That is, its gift is being able to look at the maia and to be able to conceptually grasp certain aspects of the maia based on its particular unique potential. That measuring isn’t something that allows mind to be able to discern what is correct or not. It’s not like mind knows what to do. It doesn’t.

Everybody knows that who has ever relied on their mind. Your mind makes a decision, and the moment that the decision turns out to be a disaster, your mind says, “Oh, we should have done this, we could’ve done that. So, what’s the next thing that we should do?” based on mind making a decision. It’s not what mind’s job is all about.”

- Our boi, Ra


Projectors in bonds - Dilemmas & solutions - A collection of quotes


Our personality crystal doesn’t remember who we are when we die