Manifestors - You’re always closed, but not always repelling

Oh what a treasure I encountered today in a Facebook group. Here’s a post a Manifestor who met Ra, Xavier Degreeves, shared with the collective that gave me incredible conceptual clarity on the difference between the closeness of the Manifestor aura I always pick up, even from my closest Manifestors, and the repelling that isn’t always there. I’m so grateful I stumbled upon Xavier’s words, they already quite appeased my Love and I know they will give a delicious extra depth to my guidance of Manifestors.

[Intro from Xavier]

Hello fellow lovely Manifestors, I just wanted to share something Ra personally shared with me, as I see a lot of us Manifestors worry about our aura, mainly the repelling part.

My father was deep into human design when I was growing up and in the early days, we both had several readings done by Ra himself. I remember asking him about the closed and repelling bit. And his words I want to share verbatim from my recording which is on a CD lol I’m so happy I found this treasure after many years.

[next part is from Ra, as shared by Xavier, formatted and micro edited by me]

”Don’t let that disturb you, kid.. closed and repelling, aye.. notice the “and” between each word that describes the 4 types? that “and” is very important. And when you get deeper into design, you recognize a pattern, and this pattern is that the 2nd word in the aura description is something we choose to do with others during interactions. It’s our only control in a way, to a point. It’s the 1st word that’s fixed, it’s like the design side of the profile, it’s fixed it’s just what it is.

A generator is open, but they don’t have to be enveloping, it’s a choice, they decide to envelop, or not. It’s the open part they can’t do anything about. Kid, as a Manifestor you’re closed, but you don’t have to repel. And the informing assists the closed part, and the repelling part is tied to your, well “our”signature, and once you reach that peace you can drop the repelling for as long as you want until you need it again for initiation, because ultimately you are here to initiate and make things happen, and nothing helps more than that repelling nature you got when your authority moves you to act especially with your 26-44 channel.

Never forget the “and” between the descriptions of the types. I have to tell ya, and not to hurt your feelings, when we first met, and your father introduced us, you certainly repelled me, and wow could I feel it, and just like that I couldn’t see why, this is what we have to face as Manifestors because we’re closed, our aura doesn’t allow us to be seen so to speak, you get it?

I’m closed, but now during this recording and face to face, I can get near you now, something in your choice accepted me and now I don’t feel repelled by you, aye… see it’s all mechanics the personality must work with the design. We have the ability to repel anything, what a super power kid… we’re Manifestors.

All we can ever do when we’re in peace is give off the sense to others that we don’t mind them being around us, and nothing more, but are you happy right now? Do you need a hug? Because there is absolutely no way of me EVER knowing that you need anything at all in life by standing anywhere around you, around *us*, and if that sucks really bad, and you hate that part, remember to inform, it’s magic.”

| Our dude, Ra


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